Michael McEwan has been involved with Limelight Music for many years, when it was called Sounds of Progress. He began helping to raise the profile of the organisation as he is an advocate for equality in the arts.
Michael has been a key adviser on many of our projects as he is highly involved in the arts and disability sector within Scotland. Most recently he was employed as a LAY researcher on our Music as Social Innovation collaboration with The University of Edinburgh, serving as a key link between gathering information amongst participants and families from the project, to pass back to The University of Edinburgh team for reporting and collating. Michael is also a freelance journalist, commenting on disability and mental health issues. He often writes articles for local newspapers, such as The Scotsman and is frequently on BBC Radio Scotland commenting on disability issues within the media. His programme features have also been aired on BBC Scotland’s The Nine, BBC The Social and BBC Breakfast. Michael also writes for CommonSpace blog and creates podcasts for IRISS Glasgow. Michael is also the chair of East Renfrewshire Disability Action charity.
If you should wish to contact Michael, please email info@limelightmusic.org.uk